At Chateau Pommorio near Tréveneuc (22 Côtes-d’Armor, Brittany) there is a Spring Garden Festival Fête des Jardins 13 – 14 April 2024 which has an international and British angle.
Rising to all expectations, the Fête des Jardins will offer an exceptional group of nurserymen and collectors, with leading specialists from all over France and Europe and who set the benchmarks in their field… English, Belgian, Dutch, French, la finest European nurseries will be there: Hennebelle Nurseries, Van Nuffelen, Boos hydrangeas, Barnhaven Primroses, Delhommeau Fuchsias, Loubert roses, Fleurs et Senteurs, Listening gardens if it rains, Jardin d’exception, The Zen palm grove from La Roche St-Louis, Les Pépinières Indigènes, Carpus nurseries, Deux-Caps nurseries, Emerald Coast roses, Planète Pélargoniums, Armorican Botanical nurseries, Gentiaan Bulborum Botanicum, Kerfandol nursery, Carniflore, Boca Plantes, Natural Gardens, Un Simple Jardin, English Roses, St-Ilan, Les Vieilles Forges, Meridoul Garden, le Jardin de Gwen, Pen ar Ru Greenhouses, Kerveat Botanical Farm, the blue Crocus garden, La Pointe daylilies, The Sept Sources bamboo garden, La Pomme Liane farm, Du Robin garden forest, etc.
Amongst the attractions in 2023 will be a talk by Fergus Garrett, who is described as a “world-famous plantsman” and “the Lionel Messi of horticulture “, one of the Britain’s most influential garden designers. Fergus Garrett is coming to France exclusively for the spring edition of the Tréveneuc Garden Festival,and will give just one talk on the Saturday at 3 pm enititled
« Do gardens have a soul? – The spirit of Great Dixter Garden, Christopher Lloyd »
For more info see fetedesjardins.com/
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Tréveneuc is a coastal village about 24km/15 miles from Paimpol and from St.Brieuc.
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