Bordeaux Fete le Vin – Bordeaux celebrates wine (18 – 21 June 2020) when more than 300,000 visitors descend on the city to sample and enjoy its prime assets and see wine workshops, concerts, firework displays, processions and conferences – see

bordeaux_fete_le_vinHowever, one by-product of the festival and the business of wine is the production of wine posters, one of which will be available for purchase in limited edition numbers at the Festival. Usually in a retro-style, wine (and other) companies can commission posters to promote their products – the sample above being commissioned by the owners of “Malesan” from a talented artist Jean-Pierre Got, who is an “Affichiste” in Bordeaux. The image is (loosely) based on the bronze horses in the Quinconces Plaza fountain in central Bordeaux – entitled “Les Chevaux Girondins” – where one obviously frisky horse is trying to seduce another with a bottle of the said wine. For more of his work see

The fountains and statues were built to honour local delegates to the 1789 Revolutionary Assembly who were later purged by Robespierre as being too soft! During World War II, the Resistance dismantled it piece by piece and hid it from the Germans in a barn in the Médoc for the duration of the war.
Malesan is a decent Bordeaux brand, blended from various vineyards and is usually a mix of 60% Merlot 30% Cabernet Sauvignon 10% Cabernet Franc – and tends to be reliable and value for money – see

For more info on the Bordeaux Wine Fest see

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