Besides being known for Limoges Porcelain, Limoges (87 Haut Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine) holds the Limoges Jazz Festival (les Eclats d’Email) 16 – 26 November 2023. – see www.eclatsdemail.com – an event both popular and festive, where local musicians mix with famous talents around jazz music!

Les Francophonies en Limousin Arts Festival in Autumn – see Francophonies
Christmas market (Marché de Noël) in Place de la Motte Limoges (87 Haut-Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine) 29 November – 29 December 2024 see https://noel.limoges.fr/

Limoges is one of the 153 cities and regions to have obtained the label “Ville d’art et d’histoire” (City of Art and History) for the quality of its heritage, rich with its diversity coming from more than 2000 years of history, and for its arts of fire (porcelain, enamel, stained glass). Limoges Tourist Office Limoges is best known for its enamels on copper from medieval and Renaissance times and for its porcelain in the 19th-century and for its Limousin oak barrels which are used for Cognac production. There is a factory shop at Royal Limoges Porcelain– 54 rue Victor Duruy – and a guided tour of the factory. There is also a Limoges porcelain warehouse/shop and museum (Medard de Noblat) near the Carrefour hypermarket at Junction 37 of the A20 autoroute.

Limoges is famous for its decorated porcelain ware, begun originally in the 17th Century as a result of the discovery of kaolin nearby. There is a National Gallery of Porcelain – The Adrien Dubouché National Museum is located in Limoges, in the heart of the principal porcelain making region in France:

In its fully renovated setting, the Museum holds the largest collection of Limoges porcelain in the world. It also contains representative works from the key stages in the history of ceramics. The museum route follows a journey through time starting from Antiquity, crossing continents and civilisations and leading visitors towards the most recent pieces.
Limoges was also the birthplace of Auguste Renoir (1841)
It is a city which is easy to explore with a modern tram/trolleybus system across the city – there is a fine cathedral and a medieval city centre to see – and an art deco railway station – Limoges Gare des Benedictins. The river Vienne runs through the city. Limoges is of course famous for producing delicate porcelain crockery and finely painted enamel . There are many museums here dedicated to the craft and history of porcelain and enamel, The town boasts some impressive architecture including a number of Art Déco buildings. There are several impressive squares packed with history, ancient underground tunnels and a beautiful covered market hall.
hotels, B&Bs and self-catering in Limoges – including theB&B Château de la Chabroulie just outside the city, an elegant chateau in spacious grounds
Airport: Limoges Bellegarde LIG (10 km/7 miles)
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