A multi-faceted Arts Festival of Theatre, Music and Dance Les Francophonies en Limousin 25 September - 5 October 2024 mainly in Limoges (87 Haut Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine) - see www.destination-limoges.com…
Nouvelle Aquitaine is the new name for the new region formed by the merger of Aquitaine - Limousin - Poitou-Charentes.
The extraordinary professional cycle race the Tour de France and its accompanying circus and roadshow hit the roads of France in July 29 June - 21 July 2024 Exceptionally, because…
Saturday 18 May 2024 is the date for the Nuit Européenne des Musées (European Museums Night) Although a Europe-wide event, France plays a major role with more than 1300 Museums/…
Besides being known for Limoges Porcelain, Limoges (87 Haut Vienne, Nouvelle Aquitaine) holds the Limoges Jazz Festival (les Eclats d'Email) 16 - 26 November 2023. - see www.eclatsdemail.com - an…
Another French icon, the Solex motorised bicycle used to be a common sight throughout France - although in earlier times it was powered by a noisy smelly little 2-stroke petrol…
Most French autoroutes between major towns and cities are toll motorways, which whilst often offering fast and uncrowded dual-carriageways, can nevertheless add significantly to the cost of a trip through…
The number of budget airline routes to France from the UK is continuing to grow, as is the number of French destinations - no longer restricted to the major cities.…
It has always struck me as strange that a lot of British History has been brought to life for me when travelling through France. Much of England's history between 1154…