Amiens (80 Somme, Hauts de France) holds an annual “Marche sur l’eau” as part of its annual Festival – on the third Sunday in June – 16 June 2024 There are nearly 300 hectares of gardens right in the centre of the Amiens agglomeration criss-crossed by over 65 kilometres of waterways: Hortillonnages (canals in the local Picard language). This complex network of canals, ponds and parcels of land makes up a unique landscape which, when seen from the air looks like an irregular patchwork.
Once a year, as part of the Town festival, the water market takes place as it did in years gone by. The ‘hortillons’ (market gardeners of the ‘hortillonnages’ water gardens), in traditional dress, row down the Somme in local boats, loaded with vegetables, red fruits and flowers, as far as place Parmentier. There, they dock their boats, set up their tables, and the market can get going. With its odours and costumes, this colourful market retraces the ancestral tradition of authentic products from the hortillonnages floating gardens.
Amiens is famous for its glorious gothic cathedral which boasts the highest nave in France. For more info see