• Post category:cycling
  • Post last modified:May 17, 2022
French Cycle Federation logo

National Cycle Festival: 1 – 10 June 2019 France celebrates the humble “bicyclette” more often referred to as the “velo” (hence velodrome). with the Fete du Velo. This means various events, family rides, races, exhibitions across France – a country which takes cycling seriously.
Of course, it is best known for the annual 3-week Tour de France, when many French people tolerate huge inconvenience as main roads and town centres are closed for hours to allow the race and the accompanying “caravan” of commercial sponsors, officials and journalists to pass through – not forgetting the tarmac gang which goes on ahead to fill in any recent potholes; the gendarmerie who motorcycle ahead and behind to ensure nothing and no-one gets in the way of the race; and the army of litter collectors who do a great job clearing up every kilometer after the race.
But this passion for cycling is not confined to the young men (and women) with athletic prowess, lean bodies and strangely pale torsos – the lycra is often seen adorning (or constraining) much less pretty and young French bodies – there is a sizeable contingent of the elderly and overweight who do not hesitate to get on two wheels.
It should be applauded really, as France often seems better geared up to promote the use of bikes in town with cycleways and lanes – reducing pollution and promoting healthy living.
So wherever you are in Francelook out for local cycling events – for example in Créon (33 Gironde, Aquitaine) in 2017 for and more on the National Cycle Festival see www.ffct.org

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