Many celebrations take place across France on Bastille Day (14 July ). but one of the most spectacular must be the firework display over the magical, medieval city of Carcassonne…

Lille (59 Nord, Hauts-de-France) has joined ranks of inland French towns and cities which create a summer beach in town. Often by riversides or in parks, with imported sand, deckchairs…

At Loison-sur-Créquoise (62 Pas-de-Calais, Nord-Pas-de-Calais) there is an annual summer (red)curant festival + Fete de la Groseille 18-19 July 2015 and This looks to be a bit of a village…

  The village of Fronton holds its wine and food festival in August Fronton Saveurs et Senteurs (Flavours and Scents)- 23 - 25 August 2019, with more than 30 wineries…

A visitor attraction in the heart of Burgundy - Nuit-Saint-Georges(21 Côte d'Or, Bourgogne) is known throughout the world for its famous Crus. But there is another place you shouldn't miss…

  • Post category:61 OrneFrance - Food
  • Post last modified:December 31, 2021

Visit a Snail Farm in Normandy!

2-3 June 2012 the village of Itxassou (64 Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Aquitaine) in the Basque country near Cambo-les-Bains celebrates its Cherry Festival (Fête de la Cerise). Cherry market throughout the village with…

The département of Corrèze (19 Limousin) is home to 5 of the most beautiful villages in France. In the Corrèze, enjoy a five-star visit to the officially recognised "Most Beautiful…

  • Post category:Roads/Autoroutes
  • Post last modified:April 19, 2012

According to the Automobile Association, French law has now changed making it illegal to use a Sat Nav which identifies speed camera locations in France. Effective from 3 January 2012…