The Jazz à Vienne Festival has been celebrating the world of jazz for the first fortnight in July (29 June - 13 July 2022) - ever since Jean-Paul Boutellier founded…
A dramatic setting for an outdoor jazz festival is the Roman amphitheatre (one of the biggest in Europe) at Vienne which hosts the main acts, which in 2016 included Imelda…
Truffle market in central France....
Saturday 17 May 2025 is the date for the Nuit Européenne des Musées (European Museums Night) Although a Europe-wide event, France plays a major role with more than 1300 Museums/…
Grenoble (38 Isere, Rhone-Alpes) offers a magical Christmas experience 2- 24 December 2007 - held in the centre of the city in Place Victor Hugo and Place Grenette, there will…
Most French autoroutes between major towns and cities are toll motorways, which whilst often offering fast and uncrowded dual-carriageways, can nevertheless add significantly to the cost of a trip through…
The number of budget airline routes to France from the UK is continuing to grow, as is the number of French destinations - no longer restricted to the major cities.…