Joanna Simon in the Sunday Times (1 June 2008) helpfully provides an explanation of the appellation rules for the Cotes du Rhone, which produces such a wealth of good…

Jancis Robinson in the Financial Times (12 May 08) talks about the growing number of Brits who have followed their dream and bought a vineyard in France. It is hardly…

A browse through the local travel bookshop in midwinter is always enjoyable, especially when you find something new. Hence Mireille Guiliano's French Women Don't Get Fat: The Secret of Eating…

  • Post category:Rhone wine region
  • Post last modified:December 21, 2021

Montélimar (26 Drome, Rhone-Alpes) may be best known for its nougat, but every July it binges on Lavender with its Colours of Lavender Festival "Montélimar Couleur Lavande" - 13 -…

Côtes du Rhône AC is an appellation which covers a wide range of wines in terms of quality and style. The bulk production is in the southern Rhône valley, although…

As ALLEZ VINS! UK French wine merchants we imported the wines of Domaine la Fourmone and l'Oustau Fauquet for many years, Madame Combe produces high quality intense wines using traditional…

July is the time to enjoy the glorious sight and perfume of Lavender in Provence, and one of the classic places to view this emblematic herb in all its glory…

Les Baigneuses 2006 saw the opening of a major exhibition of the Impressionist Cezanne's work in and of Provence. The recently opened Musee Granet in Aix-en-Provence (13 Bouches-du-Rhone, PACA) is…