Arles celebrates its connection with the Camargue and its Roman legacy at Easter,
A new UK supplier of French foodstuffs, cider and Saussignac from Chateau Grinou Bergerac
A wine fair at Chateaumeillant in the Cher departement in April 2006
The recently opened A77 Autoroute between Paris and Nevers is named "Autoroute des Arbres"
The Cotes de St Mont has a wine celebration weekend 24 - 26 March 2006
The wines of Cahors in SW France where Malbec wines were first made
Julian Merrow-Smith offers to send a daily email "Postcard from Provence"
France has its own equivalent of our "Britain in Bloom" scheme
Over at there are these great photos and article on this cheese from Jura close to the Swiss border.. It is a raw cows' milk cheese (ie. Vacherin from…
northern France Carnaval at Bailleul
A joint project between Sussex and Normandy has details of 40 French gardens open to the public
The Marseille Boat Show takes place at La Ciotat (13 Bouches-du-Rhone, Provence) 4-12 March 2006
In Pezenas they make a Mincemeat pie which contains sweetened minced meat!
In deepest Burgundy they are building a medieval Chateau using medieval techniques!
Coutances holds its annual Jazz Sous les Pommiers festival 20-27 May 2006
The Loire Valley celebrates 20 years of real progress for its quality wines
Poulet de Bresse (Bresse Chicken) is a quality guaranteed product from the Bourg-en-Bresse region
New UK supplier of French Gourmet Foods from Provence & Lot Valley - Julien Provence
The iconic street urinal designed by Eiffel is about to disappear from Paris
Toulouse is aiming to become a City of Light with more of the city illuminated at night