Cannes (06 Alpes-Maritime, Provence) is probably best known for the glitz and glamour of the annual Cannes Film Festival. But away from the hype you could indulge yourself with the…

Avignon (84 Vaucluse, Provence/PACA) holds its Christmas Market (Marché de Noël) in the Place d'Horloge (29 November - 29 December 2024) - see Then, on a December Saturday the…

  • Post category:84 VaucluseGardens
  • Post last modified:July 18, 2022

Celebrate the Provence Lavender Harvest

Think ahead to warm (or even hot) Spring days in Provence - add the magnificent Pope's Palace (Palais de Papes) and Roses in Avignon a stunning exhibition of roses -…

One of the named villages of the Cotes-du-Rhone wine appellation, the co-operative at Rasteau (84 Vaucluse, Provence PACA) holds a number of events to introduce people to their wines; 10…

MIMOSA PARADE The town of Bormes-les-Mimosas (06 Cote d'Azur. Provence) hosts an annual provence Mimosa Parade (Corso Fleuri) each February (15 - 16 February 2025) This brightens the soul after…

The iconic Citroen 2CV is the star of a rally around the perfume town of Grasse (06, Alpes-Maritimes, Provence) organised by the local enthusiasts club but attracting participants from across…

Domaine de Rayol holds its Mediterranean Plants Festival Gondwana , (la Fête des Plantes Méditerranéennes) on 5 - 6 October 2024 to celebrate the pleasures of Mediterranean gardens - even…

One of the joys of travelling through France by car is the opportunity to get off the autoroutes and main N roads and follow back roads to your destination. Often…

The town of Sault (94, Vaucluse, Provence PACA) holds an annual Lavender Festival in August and then on the second Sumday of October an Autumn Mushroom Festival (Fête du Champignon)…