The departement of the LOT celebrates its local food with its Lot of Saveurs festival Lot Food Festival in Cahors (46 Lot, Occitanie) 27 - 30 June 2024 Products include…

  • Post category:46 Lotet aussi....
  • Post last modified:January 2, 2022

The iconic medieval Cahors bridge Pont Valentré in the evening twilight on the approach to winter - courtesy of Cahors Tourisme and LOT Tourisme for more see the Lot departement…

A new airport is due to open in June 2010 serving Brive-la-Gaillarde/Souillac. Just 12 miles from Souillac and the upper Dordogne Situated between Cressenac and Nespouls south of Brive(Correze) and…

We have long been fans of the Domaine de Merchien. at Belfort du Quercy (46 Lot, Midi-Pyrenees) (south of Cahors and north of Montauban) Sarah and David Meakin have been…

From 1 July 2009 the French Government has lowered VAT (or TVA in France) on Restaurant meals from 19.6% to 5.5% in a bid to stimulate a sluggish market, which…

Amanda Lawrence's new bookWhite Stone, Black Wine: focuses on part of deepest South West France, and although subtitled " Life Among the Ancient Vineyards of the Quercy Blanc" it is…

If you are a fan of the pungent Truffle then Lalbenque (46 Lot, Midi-Pyrenees) south of Cahors in the heart of the Quercy Blanc is the place to head for…

Reilhaguet in the Lot, FranceI am a great fan of the Lot département (46 Midi-Pyrenees), initially from wine-hunting around the town of Cahors, and more recently further upstream on the Rivers Lot and Célé, where the landscapes get even more enticing. A recent trip was greatly enhanced by having Helen Martin’s book Lot: Travels Through a Limestone Landscape in SouthWest France, which tells the story of the landscape and people of this region of South West France.
It was her recommendation which led us to the stunning view at Reilhaguet (46 Lot) (see above) which she accurately describes as “the view to end all views, a roof of the world view, a heart-stopping, aching, yearning view” (about 25km north of Cahors just east of the N20).
But one of the undoubted joys of the region has to be its gastronomy and the richness of its markets, and with Helen’s permission we can share an extract from her chapter on “Food and Drink in the Lot”

Eating and drinking in the Lot is not so much gastronomy, it is more a way of life. Simple pleasures like early-morning mushrooming results in gastronomic treats at meal times.
The food used to revolve around the polyculture practised by the small propriétaires, less so today. But fruits are still bottled, geese are still stuffed, pigs are fattened, påtés are tinned, ducks are turned into hunks of confit, and yellow chickens, dotted with oil and butter and legs akimbo, are forced into ovens to emerge an hour or so later, tasting simply sensational. It is a day-in, day-out, year-long occupation. Tout es bou per sa sason ‘To everything there is a season’ takes on new meaning. ©Helen Martin

Helen Martin writes more about the Lot in her blog at

To read more about Food and Wine in the Lot see……… (more…)

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12 - 17 July 2022 you can indulge in a feast of summer music with the Cahors Blues Festival (46 Lot, Occitanie) . Amongst the attractions in previous years has…

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