One of the joys of travelling through France by car is the opportunity to get off the autoroutes and main N roads and follow back roads to your destination. Often…

A quiet secluded cove in the cliffs is always worth finding - and at Ault (80 Somme, Picardie) between Eu/Le Treport on the coast of Picardy discover Hotel/Restaurant Le Cise…

Entraygues-sur-Truyere In a favourite corner of France in the upper reaches of the Lot Valley is Entraygues-sur-Truyere (12 Aveyron, Midi-Pyrenees) - Le Petit Chou is a cute apartment in Entraygues…

BOVES d'ARRAS Each spring in Arras, (62, Pas-de-Calais), the underground city beneath the town (known as the Boves, originally chalk caves and used for shelter in the First World War)…

Rain Heron of Sweet French Cottages near Entraygues-sur-Truyere (12 Aveyron, Midi-Pyrenees) shares her thoughts about France at Easter: Easter is known as Pâques in France. Although it is a religious…

Paris is a city filled with culture and class, famous for its food, music and a variety of sights to explore – indulging iconic structures such as the Eiffel Tower…

Paris is a city full of culture and is home to some of the most recognisable tourist attractions in Europe – including the Eiffel Tower, the cathedral at Notre Dame…

In the depths of a British winter it is always enticing to look ahead to warm summer days in France. However, you need not wait quite so long if you…

Caen (14 Calvados, Normandie) holds its Wonderful World of Christmas Market from 25 November - 31 December 2024 This includes a traditional Christmas market of wooden chalets in the centre…