As northern Europe settles into an unwelcome late autumn/early winter, memories of a balmy French summer fade. Which is why a missive from the Aveyron is so welcome - evoking…

Lille's Christmas Market officially takes place from 20 November - 29 December 2024 (although the Big Wheel la Grand'Roue and the hutted Christmas village often get set up a little…

The largest military castle in Europe is at Sedan (08 Ardennes, Champagne-Ardennes) on the strategically important eastern frontier of France - and it now includes a 53-room 3 star hotel…

A Brittany Jazz Festival - There is a whole week of great jazz playing through the streeets and parks of the city of Vannes (56 Morbihan, Brittany) on Brittany's south…

Fécamp The Saint Pierre des Marins Festival takes place on the first weekend of February 31 January - 3 February 2025 in Fécamp and features a street parade and boat…